Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I had the joysof having a cerain (no names) mother come to my house with her two kids because they had no where to go...literealy...left to pick up my kids from school, and there she was..a 1 year old boy and a 4 year old girl and a drooling,passed out mom on my couch...the baby had a crap diaper and the little girl was trying to wake her up....i left the looser mom there, gave the baby a bath and changed his dirty clothes..fed them and gave them a drink. While mom continued to drool on my couch!
why are people allowed to have kids who dont deserve them? makes me really stop and think..Imso glad my kids are mine. That they have care, 24/7, and they never go with out....i wish i could save the world and take away all the babies from stupid moms for myself...I HATE STUPID MOMS!